World Book Day 2024

Every year we celebrate World Book Day, looking at books together and celebrating our love of reading.

World Book day 2024 was a huge success across our school. The children had a great day celebrating and developing their collective love of reading. Our children and staff made a fantastic effort with their costumes, we really enjoyed getting dressed up! There were lots of amazing costumes.

We kicked off the day with a whole school assembly. This was taken my Beth from Wise Moves, who brought the room to life with her incredible storytelling. Then, throughout the day the children were immersed in an interactive Storytelling Workshop with live performance, which excited and engaged all classes.

Our Early Years classes enjoyed a range of mini-beast books being read to them outside by Ms Martin, our Outdoor Learning teacher.

At the end of the day, we welcomed our families into school for a ‘Stay and Read’ session where we were able to share our love for books.