Personal Development and Well-Being

Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen. Conan O’Brien

Our thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and their physical well-being enables children at Normand Croft to thrive. Children and adults are expected to be safe, be kind and be the best they can be at all times.

We are very proud of our ‘international family of learners’ and the harmonious way in which we all learn and play together. Children are expected to treat all people with respect and kindness, regardless of any differences. Our children show an understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and those of others. Our children also show an understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within our school, local community and further afield.

Visitors to our school often comment on our calm, welcoming atmosphere. Members of the public and people from outside organisations (e.g. artistic, sporting, cultural) also comment on the behaviour, politeness and helpfulness of our children.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHRE) is the heart that underpins all teaching within our school. Teaching of PSHRE at Normand Croft, is one of a whole school approach, which is accessible and relevant to all and that enables all children to succeed within today’s ever-changing society. We provide the opportunities for children to discuss a variety of different topics.

As a school, we pride ourselves on tackling topics that are relevant to our local area through our PSHRE curriculum. This has given our children a sense of belonging and a passion for change within their local community. Through the teaching of PSHRE, children will become healthy, independent and responsible members of society who can approach moral, social and cultural issues with confidence in knowing how to make the correct choices.

Our children are continuously encouraged to develop their resilience and sense of self-worth by positively contributing to school life and our diverse community.

We are proactive when it comes to helping children become a well-rounded individual no matter their circumstances. We employ a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and a Music therapist who provide extra support for children’s social, emotional and mental health.

We use a scheme called Jigsaw as a basis for our Personal, Social, Health, Relationships, Economic and Citizenship Education (PSHREC). This approach encourages children to build their social skills, emotional literacy, enables positive mental health and nurtures relationships that children may have with themselves or others. As well as this, the scheme provides children with a variety of skills to develop their confidence, resilience and self-esteem.

Running through each unit are opportunities for children to accept and engage with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain. Former pupils will often volunteer to complete their work experience at Normand Croft and many go on to study a range of subjects at university.

Children will develop a deep understanding of key concepts as they move through our PSHRE curriculum. Key concepts have been carefully considered and identified as the core knowledge and skills required to successfully progress. Opportunities to revisit and develop these key concepts are planned out carefully within each unit as the children move through our school to ensure that they are firmly embedded within their long-term memory. These key concepts compliment work carried out across the school reinforcing our six shared values.

The expectation is that, by the end of their time at Normand Croft, children will know and understand these key concepts to continue to build on their knowledge, understanding and skills as they enter KS3.

Key Concepts

Being me in my world

This first unit focuses heavily on discussions with the children about their feelings for the year ahead and how we can face these with positivity. Children will have opportunities to take part in collaborative work to establish relationships with their new class teacher and possible new peers.

Overall, this initial unit gives children the time to re-establish relationships, routines and boundaries to ensure a successful academic year by understanding the impact of our own behaviour or actions on others or ourselves.

Celebrating difference

This unit from the Jigsaw scheme solely emphasises the importance of valuing and respecting ourselves and others. Children will start to recognise and appreciate differences among themselves and others by understanding this is what makes us special and unique.

As children go through school, they will start to explore how conflict can arise due to noticing such differences and how we can manage situations like this by respecting and communicating with one another in a polite and sensible way. Overall, children are taught the importance of understanding and appreciating that everyone is different.


Dreams and Goals

Within this unit, children learn to understand what challenges and goals are and investigate different ways that they can approach possible obstacles. As well as this, children look at creating their own realistic but ambitious goals and begin to identify the steps to enable them to reach those goals. Children will also explore the other side and learn that sometimes we don’t achieve our goals.

This is where our work on growth mindset is helpful in enabling children to reflect on how they can cope with these emotions and what they might improve for their next attempt. Overall, children are taught about the importance of having dreams and setting manageable goals to keep ourselves motivated.


Healthy me

Throughout our ‘healthy me’ topic we explore the importance of maintaining our physical health as well as emotional health. Children explore balanced diets, lifestyle choices (including alcohol and tobacco use) as well as when we might need to ask for help if were feeling frightened or unsafe.

Following on from this, children also learn about the importance of first aid to ensure they can support themselves or others during an emergency.



We have carefully planned this unit to meet the government’s statutory requirements for Relationships Education for Primary School children, adapting Jigsaws lesson plans to best suit the needs of our children.
This unit includes teaching the children to understand friendship, family and other relationships they and others may have. The unit provides another opportunity for the children to think about what makes a good friend and how they can be a good friend.

They are able develop their communication skills as well as think about conflict resolution and what they can do should they encounter conflict. Our older children look at being safe on-line, their rights and responsibilities on-line and how they can take responsibility on-line.


Changing Me

Our ‘Changing Me’ unit supports the children as they make their transition to their next year group. They are given time to reflect on their successes from the year and look ahead to new adventures. We also look at how their bodies may change. In KS2, we discuss puberty and the external and internal changes that will happen as the children turn into adults. The lessons are based on the national curriculum for science and we use the same vocabulary throughout the school to ensure consistency and reduce misconceptions.
A parent consultation is held prior to the start of Summer 2 detailing progression across the school.

Children will also develop their understanding of concepts linked across our whole curriculum through the teaching of PSHRE. These concepts aim to develop flexible knowledge and skills that children can apply to multiple curriculum areas. In PSHE children will be develop their understanding of the following concepts:

  • Emotional literacy (self-awareness, social skills, empathy, motivation, managing feelings)
  • Responsibility (personal responsibility, responsibility towards others, relationships, world of work, staying safe, health)
  • Resilience (developing strategies for resilience, ambition, personal best, managing emotions)
  • Written and oral expression: (using social and emotional literacy to confidently discuss personal experiences and the experiences of others in a variety of ways, making comparisons and links, explanations, showing awareness of audience, using evidence to support statements)


Pupils with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. Public Health

Developing lifelong readers underpins our curriculum. We also use the Talking Points scheme of work to deliver the government guidance on Health and Relationships education. It uses picture books as a starting point to get children talking about their own health and mental wellbeing as well as addressing other issues such as managing money and understanding democracy.

Its aim is to develop children’s understanding of themselves, their emotions and how to deal with others. It also teaches children how to stay safe in many situations and who to speak to if they are ever worried or concerned.

In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development (SMSC), British Values and Protected Characteristics are also key strands that are embedded across the whole PSHRE curriculum and are revisited and reinforced in most lessons. Therefore, the following concepts are explored: democracy; rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect; tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs; age; gender; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity leave; disability; race; religion; sex and sexual orientation.

During assemblies and Religious Education lessons, children are able to reflect on their own beliefs, religious or otherwise and learn about different people’s faiths, feelings and values. They develop their ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to apply this understanding in their own lives as well as learn about British law. They demonstrate enjoyment and fascination when learning about different beliefs and cultures, particularly when they have the opportunity to visit different places of worship. By the time they leave Normand Croft, children will have had the opportunity to visit places of worship from six major world faiths.

Assemblies are also used to promote equality of opportunity and diversity. Adults are committed to teaching our children about direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour. We teach children about being ‘upstanders’ and to develop the confidence and courage to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language.

Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind. Nelson Mandela

Children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities linked to their physical and mental health. Children develop their fitness and stamina using our exercise bikes at the beginning of the school day and benefit from a comprehensive PE curriculum.

By the time they leave our school, children will have taken part in a range of sporting competitions and had the experience of using the athletics facilities at Linford Christie stadium and the swimming facilities at Fulham Pools. Children also have the opportunity to learn how to play squash at Queen’s Club and take part in a range of sporting competitions throughout their time at Normand Croft.

A fine art of work – music, dance, painting, story – has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place. Robert McKee

We encourage children to appreciate the arts beyond the curriculum by giving them opportunities to learn a musical instrument, take part in author visits and visits to the Royal Albert Hall; Royal Opera House; Lyric Theatre; National Art Gallery.


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