
Normand Croft is an amazing school. We love it as a family. Staff are helpful with everything you ask and the pupils are well behaved.

“My teachers have motivated and guided me to success . There have been ups and downs but we have overcome them and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Noamrnd Croft.”
Former Pupil

“Your children are so well behaved and polite. A credit to your staff.”

“Children succeed academically and thrive in the school’s nurturing environment.”
Ofsted, March 2019

“Normand Croft has and will always be the catalyst to all the success in my life.”
Former pupil

“Thank you for leading me to the next step.”
Year 6 pupil

“Good provision across the Early Years Foundation Stage ensures the children feel safe, settle quickly and develop their self-confidence. They form good relationship with the adults and behave well as they enjoy their work and play together. Outdoor provision is exemplary and is used very well to provide all children with good opportunities to experience and explore within a safe and supported environment.”
Ofsted Report

“The high level of dedication of the staff helped nurture and support my children; your staff are wonderful people and good guides for children; it is with a heavy heart that my children have to move on…I know you’ll continue to be a great family school.”

“The staff team are committed to ensuring every child thrives at Normand Croft.”

“You have all had an amazingly positive influence on every child that has attended this school. Without you we would never have gotten so far. You make our hearts grow with happiness and we will miss you dearly.”
Year 6 Leaver

“I want my school to be an even better place where I can learn to be a better learner…where I am encouraged to ask questions and find out answers…where I keep on discovering and learning amazing things…a place where I feel happy and have fun as I learn…and where there’s always someone on hand to help me sort problems out.”
The children’s vision, created by the School Council

“I have worked in a number of different schools in my time as a facilitator, and I must say that the faculty at Normand Croft is superior by far, and the students are delightfully bright and enthusiastic. “
Bella Cox, writer, performer, and poet from the Eastside Artist in Residence Programme.