Minibeast of the month
During the Easter holidays, I (Ms Martin) delivered our Eco Committee’s letter to 2 classes of children at Enrico Medi Primary School in Macerata, Italy. The children of Class 2 and Class 5 (equivalent to our Class 3 and Class 6 as primary school starts a year later in Italy) were really interested in hearing about Normand Croft and all our initiatives to do with waste and recycling.
They accepted our invitation to have a video chat in May to talk more and after a minibeast hunt in their garden, voted overwhelmingly for April’s minibeast of the month to be … the European earwig!
Some children called it ‘the one with the scissors’! Earwigs get a bad name as they sometimes munch crops and flowers such as clematis but they can also be beneficial in their role as pest controllers especially in the orchard as they eat fruit aphids which damage fruit trees.