This term, the children have been lucky enough to have a professional poet working with them on their poetry and performance skills. We have been working in collaboration with the organisation, Eastside, whose mission is to inspire young people through participation in arts programmes that develop their skills and creative thinking.
Through this programme Classes 3 – 6 have written their own poetry, based on the theme Nature.
The work is completely their own and it has been a pleasure to see how much they have achieved, and how their confidence has grown. They have worked long and hard to produce high quality work.
The Creative Festival, held at the end of the project, was a celebration of the children’s hard work and a time for them to present and perform, showcasing their talents and creativity.
“I have worked in a number of different schools in my time as a facilitator, and I must say that the faculty at Normand Croft is superior by far, and the students are delightfully bright and enthusiastic. “
Bella Cox, writer, performer, and poet from the Eastside Artist in Residence Programme.